>>10829746So, I really, REALLY want to like him.
QC is total dogshit; everything, EVERYTHING, is held together with screws. Just moving joints loosens them to a horrifying degree. I had to tighten basically everything out of the box and he still barely stands. Also, one of my hip joints was really loose, so I took apart the knee and thigh to see if I could tighten it, and the damn peg that is the hinge of the joint was fused to the outer housing of the joint and sheared right off. It was painted-over glittery-silver plastic, super brittle, awful material for a very important, load-bearing joint. Also, the transformation is the exact opposite of enjoyable; It's not like, say, UT Desperado, where there's a lot of steps but they all make sense, it's just a horrible mess of tolerances and very small parts needing to be just SO. I have had legit nightmares about having to get him into his, admittedly awesome, plane mode. He looks stellar, but as a transforming toy, he's just a gigantic pain in the ass, not worth the trouble. I hate to say it, because he was the 3P figure I was looking forward to the most, and getting him in-hand was a huge disappointment.