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multiple factors
reaction is inherently very niche and a large amount of the people who buy them simply leave them on-card because the figures suck and the packing art is great.
o-ring was just abandoned by hasbro alongside the retro walmart ones. It was not on the table for S7 at the time they tried this kickstarter and they couldn't give a concrete answer if it ever would be, so new collectors who might have considered hopping in if there was a better line than reaction were not there.
So the only people really considering buying it were classic joe collectors, this was a look that does not match the classic line (too cartoony), and is a vehicle that is featured in only 1 episode and blows up by the end of it; Yes it is in the opening but it is also not even the right color for the one in the opening.
classic joe collectors are also notoriously cheap in general and this was S7's usual overpriced shit
basically, for this to have had any chance of success they needed it to latch on to people collecting gi joe NOW, not vintage collectors.