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B-daman / Bottleman Thread

No.11058174 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>What is B-daman?
B-dama means marble in japanese, so really, marbleman: toys that shoot marbles.
Bottleman is its successor, shooting bottlecaps.

Toys from the franchise are generally snap-fit model kits, basically early SD gundam kits

>B-daman series list

Super B-daman
Battle B-daman
Crash B-daman
Cross-Fight B-daman

[Post B-daman]
Bottleman DX

Pictured: König Cerberus (ケーニッヒケルベロス
) , a B-daman from Super B-daman.

König Cerberus has 3 teeth at his core, one of which has a rubber strip, inducing spin in the marble. when rotated, the direction of the spin can be controlled, allowing for drive shots and trickshots

review by SlashWest [Embed]

BUILD and review by 如月のお座敷シューティング [Embed]