>>11067531I can understand the issues people have with them using such old reuse for Star Wars and Marvel. But, at the same time, I can see why they'd have to do it. They've told us numerous times the budgets are allocated to waves, not individual figures. So Hasbro, probably under mandates from Disney to release a certain number of figures per year, has to fill in those waves and because of how the budget is allocated, they're not able to give each figure brand new molding or engineering. When you think about it, Marvel Legends alone puts off more than 100 figures a year. Meanwhile compared to Jada and they release maybe 3 or 4 waves of 4 figures in that same time frame. Surely there is less reuse and newer engineering, but you're only getting a handful of releases a year. Legends and Black Series excel at world building, granted Black Series not as much lately, but with MLs you get deep cut characters that long time Marvel fans love. I for one really like seeing a figure of a character in an obscure costume from a one off comic I really enjoyed reading a decade ago. But they still do plenty of releases of the big names too. Wolverine just got what many people are calling, a definitive Hasbro release. Same with Captain America a year or two ago. Meaning, if you're only into the big name characters they're always releasing a slightly updated version for newbies to collect, and then deep cut characters and costumes form the long time collector/comic reader.
I can understand wanting a higher quality toy though, but between third parties, higher end domestic companies like Mezco, and then imports, you have plenty of options to get those higher end versions of those characters. Sure, I'd like to see Hasbro comtinue to improve, but I'd rather they keep making deep cut stuff too since I and many other collectors are into that kind of thing, and that no one is forcing anyone to buy those deep cut characters if they don't want to.