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Late 90s/early 2000s colored aliens figures?

No.11067848 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So. When I was a kid, somewhere between micro machines era and early Lego bionacle (I think) I remember buying a series of "three colored aliens" that were sold in sets of a 4 or 5 I think? Might have been randomly assorted but for some reason I don't think so. The figures were all representing either a red, blue, or green faction. They were slightly smaller than a micro machines vehicle, I think. My hands were smaller then so I can't accurately say though. And you played a game with the figures, kind of like "war" with playing cards. I think the colors all trumped or died to a specific other color, and they had numbers on the bottom of their feet so that you could know their power level if a matching color came up.

Anyone remember what these are called?

Also, bonus question...what was your FIRST beast wars figure? Mine was Iguanis? 7$ in like 1996 or somewhere near there. I'm not going to look it up, going off memory. I saved up my weekly 1$ allowance.