>>11102876I know nothing about Hasbro’s launchers so can’t say if that’s part of the issue or not. What I can say is that whenever I’m teaching newbie players how to launch with the string for the first time there’s two guidelines I give.
1) Your dominant hand should be what’s holding the launcher steady and that’s where most of your muscle concentration should be. Whenever people not used to launching a Beyblade hold the launcher they rip with their dominant. 8/10 they’ll miss and have it fly at someone or land at their feet. So I always preface with “Hold the grip with your dominant and focus all your muscle into holding it steady.” This in turns leads to
2) Pull the string harder than how it feels. String launchers have resistance to them, something people mention when using one for the first time. I always tell them to just pull harder. The trick being they have to pull with their non dominant while focusing their attention one their dominant hand holding the grip.
It sounds like a mouthful, but it’s gotten favorable results with people that've never touched a string launcher, let alone use a Beyblade. And mind you I launch this way as well, but I’m not forcing anyone to stick with that method. If they, or you feel another way works better that’s fine because the overall principle is the same. Ironically with winders I go the exact opposite and grip with my non dominant.
>>11102903>get a string launcher with phoenixRIP to my Phoenix Wing launcher. One of my regulars put too much heart and soul into a launch and it somehow destroyed the internals.