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Hey folks, welcome back. I'm your host Hard R Slugger.
Today we're going to be looking at one of the best Lego sets, in my opinion of course. Set number 1488, Auschwitz concentration camp.
Now, in this humble slug's opinion, the authenticity of the Holocaust is questionable at best. But, I'm not here to talk about whether the Holocaust happened or not, but to review a Lego set based on one of the most famous concentration camps.
The play features in both the gas chambers and ovens are very cleverly thought out, and the details on the minifigures are definitely a highlight of the set. However this set only comes with ten prisoners; one homosexual, two gypsies, and seven Jews. If you want to add more prisoners, let's say around six million, it's going to cost a pretty penny on Bricklink, and the second hand market overall.
Join me next time as I review Lego set number 69, KKK Lynching.
Until next time I am your host Hard R Slugger, and I'll see you on the day of the rope.