>>11131520>single layerthe first burst stuff, pretty simple, the layer on top and the weight disc in the middle and the driver on the bottom
>dual layeridentical to single layer, only difference is the layers are made of 2 pieces of plastic screwed together, hence "dual"
>god layereach layer has a gimmick now, example the protag has springs in the contact points, the 4th one on that list is the same thing but with a funny attachment because they realized that gimmick sucks ass
>chozetsuthis is where shit hit the fan and nothing mattered anymore, every layer has metal so every product until now is instantly invalidated, near the end they introduced beys that just don't burst (maybe don't invalidate your entire central main gimmick yknow maybe that's a shitty idea)
>GTlayer is split into 3 parts the core the metal part and the attack ring, kind of neat you can customize weight distribution, SHOCKER the best season is the most similar to MFB
>sparking another invalidation wave, beys are even heavier
>DBANOTHER invalidation wave, beys can choose to be shorter now with special weight disks to support it
>BUit's DB with a different name, zoo wee mama