[27 / 3 / ?]
>be me
>at local pop-culture comic-con
>all the usual suspects are here: gamers, anime lovers, movie buffs, you name it
>suddenly, a gang of dudes burst in
>all wearing Bionicle costumes
>seriously, they look like a 2000's Power Rangers episode gone wrong
>they start shouting about how anime is ruining everything
>they've got these huge signs that say 'NO ANIME' with red X's over anime characters
>play some angsty metal from the 2000s, so loud you can feel it in your bones
>everyone's confused, especially the weebs
>find a girl dressed like a stereotypical anime high-schooler arguing with a dude in a red Bionicle costume
>weeb: 'Anime is art!'
>Bionicle dude: 'No, it’s poison!'
>and just like that, the line is drawn in the sand
>some of the weebs mention hentai
>oh boy, here we go
>Bionicle dudes start spewing some wild stuff about Japan’s war crimes in WWII
>lol wut?
>things escalate fast, it's like a nerdy food fight without the food
>one of the Bionicle guys takes off his mask
>he’s got a full beard and looks at least 30
>the crew starts taking off their masks too, revealing a diverse gang of nerds
>even a Japanese dude is there, just vibing with the Bionicle bros
>some guy says, 'Are they trolling or serious?'
>they call security, just as the chaos reaches critical mass
>the guards show up, looking extremely confused
>everything settles down, like it was just a fever dream
>turn to the side, and there's this little kid dressed as Balloon Boy from FNaF
>he’s just laughing the whole time like he’s at a comedy show
>mfw I realize nerd-rage is no different from a toddler tantrum
>comic-con comes back to life, but I can’t shake the feeling that I just witnessed something utterly glorious
>10/10 would watch that meltdown again
>at local pop-culture comic-con
>all the usual suspects are here: gamers, anime lovers, movie buffs, you name it
>suddenly, a gang of dudes burst in
>all wearing Bionicle costumes
>seriously, they look like a 2000's Power Rangers episode gone wrong
>they start shouting about how anime is ruining everything
>they've got these huge signs that say 'NO ANIME' with red X's over anime characters
>play some angsty metal from the 2000s, so loud you can feel it in your bones
>everyone's confused, especially the weebs
>find a girl dressed like a stereotypical anime high-schooler arguing with a dude in a red Bionicle costume
>weeb: 'Anime is art!'
>Bionicle dude: 'No, it’s poison!'
>and just like that, the line is drawn in the sand
>some of the weebs mention hentai
>oh boy, here we go
>Bionicle dudes start spewing some wild stuff about Japan’s war crimes in WWII
>lol wut?
>things escalate fast, it's like a nerdy food fight without the food
>one of the Bionicle guys takes off his mask
>he’s got a full beard and looks at least 30
>the crew starts taking off their masks too, revealing a diverse gang of nerds
>even a Japanese dude is there, just vibing with the Bionicle bros
>some guy says, 'Are they trolling or serious?'
>they call security, just as the chaos reaches critical mass
>the guards show up, looking extremely confused
>everything settles down, like it was just a fever dream
>turn to the side, and there's this little kid dressed as Balloon Boy from FNaF
>he’s just laughing the whole time like he’s at a comedy show
>mfw I realize nerd-rage is no different from a toddler tantrum
>comic-con comes back to life, but I can’t shake the feeling that I just witnessed something utterly glorious
>10/10 would watch that meltdown again