Starlink in my opinion is the best TTL game. Figures were mostly static, but the modular gimmick was cool, and you could still swap out pilots even if they weren't attached to the controller thing. Only issue is the game is really short. I'm pretty sure they were intending on releasing it in an episodic way cause the story only feels like it's getting through the first chapter of something bigger.
Lego Dimensions was pretty decent too. I mean, it's a pretty standard Traveller's Tales Lego game, with cool free roaming areas, co-op and a rather unique feature to summon vehicles wherever you want in the game, which allowed you to do some pretty fun stuff. But i honestly thought the way they tried to integrate the 'portal' into puzzles, by having you move your physical toy around the portal to solve puzzles, was more annoying than fun. Still, this game gets points for just being Lego, making them genuine fun toys, that didn't feel like a waste.