>>11245644There's actually a Book-Off like 10 minutes away from me with a pretty sizable Gashapon selection. I'm about an hour or so outside of NYC, so I was kind of surprised a Book-Off even popped up out here. I was even more surprised to see it was actually *busy* the one time I walked in. I guess the lure of cheap movies, books and games alone will keep that place afloat, but their toy selection was horribly limited and horrendously overpriced.
They also didn't have any of the Gashapons I was into last I checked and I doubt they update often. Was still cool to see as I wasn't expecting it, but I would love it if they got some of the build-a-bug lines, the mini-gundams or any of these adventure type figures. Pretty much everything they had were little chibi figurines or key-chains, and I don't care about those enough to gamble for em.
>How does it auto sage? As other anon mentioned, previously threads on /toy/ could go for weeks/months and still have new posts bump them up the page. These threads could be active and updated until they started hitting post/image limits. Now, after like a week or two, threads will stop getting moved up the main page of /toy/ regardless of how many, or how few posts it has. And after another few days, the thread will just autoclose and archive itself.
Even at it's most popular period /toy/ was never a fast moving board. But with the auto saging/archiving of threads after a fairly short amount of time, once popular but slower threads just don't stick around anymore.
>>11245192I feel your pain anon, the entire system is just a failure on every level.