Every year, my list included: Talkboy, The Clapper, Chia Pet
LEGO: Always wanted, but my parents thought they were simply too expensive
Power Rangers: Wanted the zords and belt things, but my parents said they couldn't find them. At least I got some awesome white and green ranger gear though - dragon dagger, Saba - which I still have.
My parents tried: they got me 2 Talkboy-branded things: A mini talkboy-like thing which didn't do the same thing, and a pen.
I still put Talkboy on my lists for years, but never got one. When I was like 18, my parents finally got me a Clapper and a Chia Pet. Chia Pet didn't grow, but the Clapper was everything I wanted it to be. I live in a different country now (different outlets), but I wonder if they had Clappers here. I have been missing it.
Around 2013 or so, I remember seriously looking into buying a Talkboy on eBay, but ended up buying more retro videogames instead.
In the teenage years, I insisted on a laptop. I had two houses I lived between: my mom, stepdad then dad, stepmom. I tried to convey that I didn't want anything else, and would be happy to have no presents for 3 years if they helped me get a laptop. This never happened. They wanted me to remain a dumbass in the middle of nowhere with no IT experience. Nobody in my pop. 2000 town knew anything about (what I later learned was called) programming. Fast forward to 2024, still a peasant who never elevated beyond slavery.
>>11251445I had an allowance, and during early internet, I really had to work to convince my parents that eBay was not a scam. I bought the Japanese version which has the starters on it instead. I still have it, and I have always treated it like a piece of gold and keep it in a nice case. The screen is still basically perfect, and I even use it.
>>11262516I had this, but it was lost in a basement flood. Also had the helicopter, and walkie talkies. I still have the electronic Dilophosaurus, Velociprator, and squishy T-rex (missing flesh chunk).