hey I was the retrospammer, and I'm none of the things you accuse me of. I don't know zatlit, and I dont know what the fuck any of you are talking about.
I just noticed a trend of a few people posting pictures of micheal and criticizing him. I like micheal, but its pretty obvious he has an autistic funny face. I do too, but it is a funny 40 year old virgin type of face. occasionally i'd post 5 or 6 using seperate devices, with the intention of filling the front page with micheal as if he was some kind of e-celeb. it was alot of work, and usually took an hour to do. alot of people helped out.
for like a few months, everytime a retroblasting video came out, i'd quickly screenshot an image of it and post it.
I just think he's funny. I actually like micheal and agree with alot of his opinions. i never interacted or know of zatlit, junkman, lioconvoy, ahmed, diosoth, or jin satome
>why did you stop posting
I got a job and got out of college.