>>5213886>you guys didnt buy WARCRAFTI do have the full wow toyline.
>so what makes you think a generic fantasy line would do well?The wow toyline was shit because:
-Shitty "heroes" instead of lore characters, the only lore character was the Lich King and it was really popular-
-3 races including two of the least played races goblins and gnomes.
-No females.
-Shitty armors and weapons that literally no one mogs in game.
-No quality cosistency, try to compare the tauren paladin from the zeppelin set with the tauren hunter from the wyvern set or the tauren druid from the faction pack.
-All the figures have the same face with a slightly different paint job, except goblins they all have the same face with no hair.
-I feel like I must mention the weapons and armors again I mean fuck the orc warrior toy had a shitty crystal sword from the draeneis instead of a battle axe.