>FPCity Commander v1 & v2, Protector with whatever they called the Targetmaster, the Stunticons minus whatever they called their Motormaster, Explorer v1 and the white redeco, Munitioner v1 and the orange redeco, the 3 regular Insecticons, UUUU, Code, Smart Robin, Sigma L, SteelCore with trailer, Revolver Core, Riftshot Core & Recoiler Core, BT Convoy upgrade, Defender, G3 Trailer
>MMCCommander v1 & v2, Cyclops, the 3 regular HOS Seekers
>XTBKrank & Stax
>MTClassics G2 Optimus addon, Giant Type-61
>TFCHercules, Gears of War 2
>iGearFaith Leader v2, Ultra Leader, Weapon Specialist, Medical Specialist, the 3 regular Coneheads, Spray, Rager, UFO, Hench, Cogz, Duneraker, Veer, Bushwacker, Delicate Warrior, heads for Kup
>Cubex / UFO / Unique Toys / FansWantItChromed trailer for Buster Prime, tons of various hands and weapons for Movie figs
>FTScoria, Sever, Soar, Tesla, Grenadier
>BadCubeHuff, Wardog, Brawny, Backland
>MTCupola, Visualizer
>XTBOllie, Apollyon v1
>KFC / XTVarious hands and addons
>TFCJust kept the Autoscout from GoW 2
On preorder/planning to get
>FTStomp, Grinder, Mercenary, Forager, Willis
>MTHardhead, maybe Despotron
>XTBAndras, Eligos, Kup, Inferno, Grapple, Boost, Hatch, Arkose
>Favorite FigureApollyon
>Favorite CompanyFT for looks/design, FP for quality