>1st and 2nd grade, 88-89, had horrible teacher both years
>would throw my homework away and give me zeroes, fail my tests, etc
>mothers form of punishment was to clear my room of all toys, sell/donate them
>all my TF, Heman, and SW gone
>christmas comes, new badass toys
>bad grades anyway, they go too
>repeat again in 2nd grade, teacher more upset than I, that I was in her 2nd grade class
>same purposeful failure
>same punishment
Ended up catching her later on and getting her fired. Kek. Many life lessons learned. Mom is a bitch. School/work will fuck you. Cover your own ass. Coming home to all your possessions gone is an awful feeling.
Believe it or not, I was a pretty good kid and made honor roll after that. Parents got divorced. Dad won custody. Mom liquidated all my Kenner aliens vs predator, toy biz spiderman and xmen, gi joes, exosquad and games/comics/football cards.
Dad remarried when I was 17, kicked me out day I turned 18, there went my games and comics again, gave me my box of gundam models, all smashed to bits. Thanks step mom.
Then I just partied for a while. Army. Bullshit through minimum wage slave. Racked up student loan debt. Music.
Life lesson: you can rebuild but all can go in a second. Fire. Burglary. Breakup/divorce. Life flows like a river. Its always sink or swim in murky water.