In the 80s, 90s and early 2000s they would place an normal order of small fries inside of each Happy meal box which would come in the same small white paper bag as a normal order of small fries. That was also before they introduced milk as an alternative to soda and replaced cookies with apple slices. They than later replaced the small order of fries that were given in happy meals with a very tiny red box thats no wider or taller than to adult fingers put together. I think you can get maybe 5 or 6 fires in that tiny box tops!
These changes took place after the film "Super Size Me" and hipster parents started to vilify the Ronald McDonalds character in artwork and youtube videos.
Now Ronald McDonalds is rarely seen anywhere and Disney chose not to renew their contract with McDonalds after 2005 saying that after over three decades of not giving a shit about children's health as long as McDonlads helped them plug their new movies they now wished to use their characters to promote "healthier foods"
Thats why no Frozen,or Tangled Happy meals.
Now that Disney owns Star Wars I guess that means no more Star Wars fast food toys as well. More then likely they'll partner up with Subway and all you'll be about to get is a crappy Star wars hand bag when the new film is released like they did with The Muppets movie and Frozen.
>Bravo Super Size Me. Bravo!