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Old thread is nearing the bump limit, so lets start again.
The last couple of waves of the Thrilling 30 Generation Deluxes have started showing up at Ollies Outlet Stores on the East Coast.
Arcee, Chromia, Jhiaxus, Nightbeat, Mini-Con Combiner Team, Skywarp, Windblade, Crosscut, Rat Trap, Tankor, Scoop, and Waspinator have been spotted at various Ollies.
The last couple of waves of the Thrilling 30 Generation Deluxes have started showing up at Ollies Outlet Stores on the East Coast.
Arcee, Chromia, Jhiaxus, Nightbeat, Mini-Con Combiner Team, Skywarp, Windblade, Crosscut, Rat Trap, Tankor, Scoop, and Waspinator have been spotted at various Ollies.