>>5278217Not sure if you mean the original older digivice toys, or the recent Anniversary 'reissues'. If you meant the latter, Bandai was only gonna make enough. The recent batches were made-to-order only really, with no plans to sell them on mass like they did with the originals when we were kids.
So if you're looking for one now, you're more or less screwed. The Anniversary toys being the newer/reliable ones, are unlikely to go down in price; until after the film OVAs for Digimon Tri are done with realistically(though would rather be proven wrong on this for a couple friends that couldn't preorder with me).
So only the older digivice toys, people find packed away nowadays. Have a decent chance at popping up cheaper on classifieds like Craigslist or Kijiji.
>>5278249>>5278392Pricing on the second-hands are just eye-gouging, so agree with you on that. The Anniversary reissues though, is probably a result of them figuring out how to mass-produce them from scratch all over again. Electronics even simple things like this, can be a nightmare for production(standard is usually automation over every-step human labor); and can be more reliant on selling in the thousands to make sense sometimes. More so if components to the circuit-board had been phased out of use since the original toys...
Just think it's because they had to limit production, is why they were so high myself though.
>>5278358Wouldn't affected much in our favour towards these reissues, maybe the new Taichi/Yamato and Daisuke/Ken originals eventually with lower prices.
The reissues were brought back to generate hype for Digimon Tri just really, though they might also be part of why Bandai made the CSA Digivice a glorified prop, rather than a truly updated V-pet toy...