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diecast car storgage and purpose

No.5306954 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Howdy, let me tell you a story, but first the tldr part because it may bore you.

>Best ways to store ho-twheels/matchbox cars loose/in packaging
>Are they going to be worth anything in our lifetimes
>Why boxes/why not
>Example of $$$

Now for my story that when I thought about made me think.

>Be spoilt brat
>mummy and daddy always got me hotwheels I always wanted with the odd matchbox
>Stored the great majority in a 42LTR sub loose
>Most are scratched/damaged
>Kept faves displayed out in the open and in relatively good condition
>Then moved to draw, loose
>One was a special commemorative car that I kept in its boxed smothered in bubble wrap
>Years pass by and old enough to buy my own shit
>found all the "good" cars in draw
>Turns out my memory was so shit they shared the draw with some socks
>One HW original, some phantom think, all mirrored chromed, scratched to fuck
>find gutted remains of commemorative car behind draw
>little brother responds "you don't keep toys in those things do you, shouldn't you play with them?
>Forgot about them again
>5 years into current job decide to walk into toy aisle of super market
>See hotwheels
>Fall in love with darth vader's car
>Start again

In the last month I bought about 20 of the little guys, mostly bought with discounts.

Reason why I'm thinking is I only allocated a draw for them (the boxed ones, good ones are long gone, must be out with the spider infested shed) and its full, worst part is one I bought out of impulse 3 weeks ago has a hole in the box (war machine marvel 16) and about to gut him out since the box is worthless now, its not the draw that done the box in because its a stab mark and I'm pretty sure the cards of these boxes can't pierce the plastic shells, least not without damaging the cardboard backings themselves...

I know they're my things, but what does the majority say, open them up and save space or keep them boxed like a hoarded and sell them later down the line when the economy hits the shit?