>>5308508No, Castle Crashers is a classic beat-em up, beause it's just that: a game where you beat up a series of foes as you progress through levels.
Character action games are the natural evolution of the Beat-em up genre. They add complexity and diversety to the mix.The fundaments are still there (progress through mostly linear levels, stoping at various choke points to finish off room-fuls of baddies to get to the boss at the end of the level, beat it, and move on).
Character action games add RPG elements of character growth, and some add light puzzle elements. The combat is ususally focused on style over effeciency. Where classic beat-em ups are focused on HP managament and effective zoning of foes, character action games use hit counters and style features to create a ranking system, rewarding you more for taking chances to deliver more impressive attacks.
The two genre are linked: not all beat-em up's are character action games, but all character action games ARE beat-em ups.