>>5322278But it get to a point where people could say "The L4D figures are horrible"
when that is not true, they are great.
So when they say "Atlas and P-body are horrible"
I dont bealive them and then it end up bad.
So it isnt about pointing out when there is problems, but how they are not use to inform consumers, but to just piss off people around, to the point where you get tons of miss information.
Specially If you have people screaming "aaaa, the wrong colors, fucking shit, neca should stop all the production they already have and repaint everything, and oh look they are reusing the same body as the other figure, it doesnt matter if fit perfectly fine with it"
People should show up and say "im not going to buy that because is the wrong color".
And even if there is enough people disliking that, then they could make new figures, or try to make the research better.
But of course not, they are going to go "there is no point, so im going to keep complaining about something im not going to buy because they are the wrong color, and knowing that Neca will never listen to their clients"
I dont know, Im fine with finding issues with figures and building around that to inform others...
But then there is just complains and we are not trying to build anything about that.
Just bitching.