>>5347722I'm not a big fan of the new Troopers but the Riot Trooper looks bad-ass.
>>5356810The FA as a action flick is entertained and even funny, nobody denies that, the acting is good, the score is really good, the effects are really good too, no doubt normies like it, but as a Star Wars movie something feels off, like not right and I think the reason is because this movie lacks the mysticism, symbolism and spirit that were trademarks of Star Wars until now.
All the plots feel derivative and pointing to the OT but without their soul, The characters arcs are poor mimics to the originals and mishandled, feeling little connection with them, heck I felt more linked with Luke in the scene contemplating the sunset in Tattoine (pic related) that with Rey and Fin in the entire movie.
In resume, Jar Jar Abrams was successful in creating a self-packed Blockbuster appealing to the mass and the fans but failed miserably in creating a real Star Wars movie.
>>5354844Yeah, the scene with Riot Trooper is one of the most eye catching moments of the FA and almost all the merit belongs to TR-8R H8R.