>>5360506Before Kaiyodo even became famous for their Revoltechs, they are known for their "dynamic" poses in their action figures.
The original head sculptor for Revoltech, Yamaguchi Katsuhisa, is basically trademarked with his specific style of sculpting.
His early 2000s stuff usually has smaller heads, a high amount of diagonal cut joints, and an emphasis on doing dynamic poses. It had been their bread and butter WAY before Revoltech. Later on, this whole Revoltech series started between him and Nightow, and basically continues this idea even with their off-branch Revoltech lines. Also, he has also met some criticism regarding his anime IPs and not attempting accurate proportions. Such as his robots have extremely tiny noggins, and some of his earlier human Revoltechs were atrocious (Revy from Black Lagoon, Dante from Devil May Cry).
You can see from Yamaguchi's twitter that he does this shit with Ultron and Solid Snake all the time.
Have you seen Ultron bow in the movie? Or jump in the air with a Strike Gundam pose? Sit apahce style? No. And you really don't see Stormtroopers doing that heroic pose neither.
This is, along with SH Figuarts and those Movie Realizations, are meant to appeal to Japanese audience first, and Western audience second. It is a huge deal because Japanese audience get SW figures not by Hasbro for essentially the first time.
And this comes from a MUH SW guy whose buying habits are more like subjectanon and not the weeaboo SW guy. I don't like Revoltech stuff on Western licenses, nor do I like those weird Samurai Vaders or Boba Fetts, but I do recognize that they appeal to somebody, somewhere. Perhaps some dude really wants to have a Boba Fett dancing like a fairy, or does hurricane kick. It might not be MUH SW, but it is SW to somebody out there.