Beast wars is really what compelled me, but even before then I had lots of batman figures and Power rangers. I guess the difference is that with Batman and PR, I only wanted the characters I liked, where as with Beast wars I wanted all the toys to experience them and how they transformed.
I stayed with Transformers for years. To be honest, I think I just kinda hung on hoping they'd go back to being beasts again after BM ended. Power Rangers alternated the beast/vehicle theme regularly, so I figured it'd do the I just kinda hung on to transformers. I had seen MLs and thought they were cool, but with a tight budget as a kid I couldn't justify spreading out. The closest thing was the super articulated SM2 6'' figure.
When I was in middle school, I started getting into older comics, mainly for the creators. I got really interested in steve ditko. On a whim, I bought First Appearance Spider-man. I was so amazed by the presentation of it, I planned on getting more. I began to regret all the money I wasted on Transformers armada and Energon, and passing up figures I saw like Deadpool(mostly for doop, since I liked X-statix ). Later I went to my first NYCC on a school trip as a volunteer, and on my free hours I went nuts buying Marvel Legends(being 15, I couldn't buy stuff online) For a long time it was my favorite Toy Line. Unfortunately, I came in too late, and Toy Biz's days were numbered.i'm casually getting into them again now, but it's hard to balance it with so many other things competing for my money.