[24 / 9 / ?]
new toyline idea- Journalist Action Heroes!
They will consist of these heroic individuals-
Walter Cronkite- master of journalism
Anderson Cooper- unbiased truth teller
Hunter S. Thompson- seeking the truth wherever it may be
Heroes need villains, right? The Agenda consists of-
Dan Rather- traitorous glory hound
Geraldo Rivera- betrayer of his people
Milo Yiannopolous- narrative pusher
Michael Moore- master of hiding & twisting information
Each figure should come with accessories- microphones, cameras, tape recorders, and Thompson will include guns. Lots of guns.
There should be a cartoon to sell these. In the season 1 finale, Thompson shoots Milo in the head, and the heroes get a new member in the team- Carl Kolchak. But it will be revealed that the mastermind behind The Agenda is Donald Trump and that their members include any number of paid shills on the internet to spread disinformation to brainwash the masses against women, non-whites and any other target that they dislike. Can the Heroes stop them?
They will consist of these heroic individuals-
Walter Cronkite- master of journalism
Anderson Cooper- unbiased truth teller
Hunter S. Thompson- seeking the truth wherever it may be
Heroes need villains, right? The Agenda consists of-
Dan Rather- traitorous glory hound
Geraldo Rivera- betrayer of his people
Milo Yiannopolous- narrative pusher
Michael Moore- master of hiding & twisting information
Each figure should come with accessories- microphones, cameras, tape recorders, and Thompson will include guns. Lots of guns.
There should be a cartoon to sell these. In the season 1 finale, Thompson shoots Milo in the head, and the heroes get a new member in the team- Carl Kolchak. But it will be revealed that the mastermind behind The Agenda is Donald Trump and that their members include any number of paid shills on the internet to spread disinformation to brainwash the masses against women, non-whites and any other target that they dislike. Can the Heroes stop them?