>>5432800I just dug a tub out of storage to go through, actually.
1. Energon Scorponok
I dig this guy, but i wish he were a bit better. Some locking tabs to help hold his alt modes(particularly the less than convincing "jet" mode) would have been great. Still, he's a nicely articulate bruiser. Looks good beside RTS Lugnut.
2. Bag of Seekers
Robot Masters Seeker trio, plus Energon Starscream and Universe Skywarp. I'm glad i own the Robot Masters guys, just for historical sake, but they're kind of crap. Skywarp is decent, being a recolour of Stormjet from BM... his hover mode always made me want to try my hand at making a blaster form for him, but it never solidified. Energon Starscream is still great, though. Well, ok, mostly great. He could use a knee position that 's not either straight up and down or BAM 90 degrees.
3. Classics Megatron
Timely, with it's re-release in new colours. Man, I forgot how this works... shit. There. No... There... no. Oh, the wing tabs. THERE. He's still a great gun(though just a bit too small for my grownup ass sausage fingers anymore).
4. Cybertron Sideways
I'd been looking for this guy. He's such a great toy.
5.? Bunch of Dinobots
For some reason, I have three packs of still sealed on card dinobots. They're two-packs with what looks like Armada packaging, but they're labled as just "Transformers: Dinobots". I don't remember when or where I bought these guys, I just remember very clearly there was a specific reason I was keeping them on card, something about them that was special.