Upcoming releases:
SIC Gaim Orange Arms - June
SHF Shinkocchou Seihou Kuuga Rising Mighty Form - June
SHF Machine Ghostriker - June
SHF Bikel - June
SHF Garo Leon Ver. - June
SHF Shinkocchou Seihou Kuuga Ultimate Form - July
SHMA Godzilla (2001) - June
February releases:
Ghost Eyecon 5 (Candy) 2/22
Converge Kamen Rider - 2/23
Mini-pla Juuou King - 2/23
SHF Shinkocchou Seihou Decade - 2/27
DX Grimm & Sanzou & Himiko Ghost Eyecon
GC09 Kamen Rider Necrom
GC10 Grimm Ghost & Sanzou Ghost Set
DX Beta Spark
Transform Phone DX Juuou Changer
Animal Sword Gun DX Juuou Buster
Winged-Beast Sword DX Eagleriser
Juuou Cube 1/2/3 DX Juuou King
Juuou Cube Weapon Cube Kirin
Capsule Ghost Eyecon 8
Capsule Ghost Eyecon 9
Legacy Thunder Megazord
February exclusives:
CSM Gatack Zecter
CSM Hyper Zecter
SHF Garo Ryuga ver.
SHF Orga
SIC Hakaider
DX Banno Driver
Fruit of Helheim
Ranger Key EX Metal Hero Edition
Everything else
http://pastebin.com/0YNqy758 Last thread
>>5448103 The KR Necromancer henshin thing.
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>>5448094 ill wait for about six months and im sure i can get that for a dollar a pop
Whipped up a review of Chaser, if anyone cares to have a look feel free.
http://myfigurecollection.net/blog/26691 I'll have the updated SHF checklists done up tomorrow for those wondering as well.
What are the best figures of the taros?
>>5448150 >Didn't pay NY >He's Crazy expensive now I don goofed
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>>5448105 thought it was the tmnt toilet thing for a second
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Are Ghost Drivers going to go below 3000Yen? 2000? Should I wait, or should I buy now?
Joker !!zlgSynbWW6V
>>5448363 I got screwed being NY was like, "Yeah, we need your money now, instead of 2 months from now." because THEY fucked up. I got screwed out of Super Dead Heat, Dead Heat Mach, AND Chaser.
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>>5448390 To be fair, they didn't fuck up. P-Bandai just changed how they work, and N-Y had to fall in line with it.
>>5448390 I will never understand why people would WANT to pay later, I get pissed when places won't take my money now.
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>>5448399 I like being able to get my pre-order in, then pay for everything in bulk.
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>>5448426 Alright, awesome. Definitely buying this thing. I didn't care for Fourze too much much but those sound effects are amazing.
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>>5448322 Figuarts are the way to go
Joker !!zlgSynbWW6V
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>>5448399 typically I'd rather pay right then, but I need to buy a new car so I knew money was going to be a little tight, plus Xmas.
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>>5448399 It makes budgeting more relaxed. Especially with figuarts where if you dont pay attention can kinda just pop up on you.
My toy expenses are pretty low for a while because of medical bills, can I ask, would it be better to try to finish getting metals for my OOO Driver, get Drive stuff, see if I can get the Zyuonger stuff early since it'll be cheaper, or get all the ToQ trains? I only ever bought figuarts or some belts, so I have no idea how much any of these would even end up costing at the end. Love OOO and ToQ more than anything, but completing a set of transformation gadgets seems like it'd cost a pretty penny now, especially since I only have the OOO belt to start with. The Drive and Zyuo stuff is only because it looks like it might be cheap and recent, so it'd be nice to see my baby brother react to seeing a new toy as soon as he sees it in a show.
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>>5448622 Give up on those medals but Drive stuff is dirt cheap right now.
What are good figuarts prices? It seems like most kamen rider figuarts go for about 40 or 50 on average.
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>>5448399 For me, I don't like mix ups. Especially unplanned mix ups. You build and participate in an environment in which people preorder things now and pay later. Now you changed you system that screws with everybody else's systems.
>Okay this you buy later >This you buy later >But THAT you buy now >Then you buy this later >So I buy this now? >No, you buy THAT later, and THIS now! I have a budget river of preorders coming in that I have under control. Please don't start throwing makeshift dams in it... I haven't had sudden payments hurt me too bad, but I did have to pass on Bikel because of one. If it was preorder then Bandai would have had my money. Now unless I can fit him back in somehow, I'll have to give my money to a second hand merchant instead.
>>5448390 >I got screwed out of Dead Heat Mach Sounds like N-Y was looking out for you senpai
Joker !!zlgSynbWW6V
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>>5448980 I like Dead Heat Mach over Dead Heat Drive. I'm kinda happy about getting screwed out of Super Dead Heat since he was in the movie for a while 10 minutes.
>>5448790 Welcome to nip toy collecting. If you aren't on preorders then expect to pay latecomer tax on the secondary market.
>>5449329 >If you aren't on preorders then expect to pay latecomer tax on the secondary market. tfw you will never own the true slaying moon
>>5448790 Between $30-40-ish is fine for a general release, but if you're paying any more than $60 for an exclusive, you're paying too much.
If you can't buckle down and F5 like crazy at 3 AM to snag a preorder before the site breaks or they sell out in 30 seconds, you're gonna have a hard time anyway.
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>>5449421 >f you can't buckle down and F5 like crazy at 3 AM to snag a preorder before the site breaks or they sell out in 30 seconds The last three amiami preorders haven't been like that at all. Even Decade was surprisingly pleasant.
>but if you're paying any more than $60 for an exclusive, you're paying too much. Sure, rub it in. Thanks a lot N-Y
>>5449396 All I'm waiting for is the day this guy drops below 10k.
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>>5448390 That's all you tardo.
Don't Pre Order shit you can't pay for :^)
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>got SHF Kuuga and Agito yesterday >can't stop playing with these new desk buddies Fucking hell, are all the renewals this awesome? Why can't Bandai apply this same level of care and craftsmanship to their non-Rider SHFs (aside, from what it seems, Bruce Lee)?
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About 10 hours to go
>>5449329 >>5449421 What should I expect to pay for some of the earlier figuarts from the first two or three years? I don't mind paying a lot if I know I'm not getting fucked over. I guess I should really be asking, if you guys wanted a figure from the first years of SHF what would you spend? Normal releases for sake of simplicity.
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>>5449440 Not gonna happen
>>5449854 Depends on the figure. Kuuga and The NEXT are around 3000 while Sasword is 5-7000.
>>5450059 Thanks for the fast response. Do you guys use mandarake that often? I've never used it before and was thinking of buying 3 figuarts for about 100 dollars but I'm not sure if its worth the risk of not getting my package or not.
When do the pre-orders for Rising Mighty Kuuga open?
>>5450306 >Do you guys use mandarake that often? Mandarake is a drug. Once you start using them, you'll be back. Constantly. The hunt, the chase, the comparing the prices, the figuring out the yen... You'll be enraptured.
Do it.
Moose !!UzgADXuLlVV
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>>5450306 Mandarake is by far one of the best sites for getting cheap but new or essentially "Like New" items. It's not good for getting really specific stuff like the rare variants of collectibles(You have to go to Yahoo Auctions for that usually), but everything else is usually really well priced and available easily.
Just remember to order ¥5000 or more from a single store so you don't get hit with a ¥500 service fee, it's a site where you can't mix and match like Amazon for instance.
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>>5450369 There's no time listed
>>5450374 >>5450374 seems like a better option than eBay from what you guys are sayinf. What risk is there though for me not receiving my package? I've never ordered overseas so I'm not sure if I should make a 100 dollar purchase or if I should make two separate 50 dollar purchases for that reason. I live in the US if it helps. Anonymous
>>5450374 Alright, who's the guy standing next to the dragon man? Sorry, I'm not familiar with Toku stuff.
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>>5450434 If packages were lost with any regularity then people would be recommending a different shipping method. RSAL is all you need, though sometimes EMS is cheaper due to their close relationship with them.
Moose !!UzgADXuLlVV
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>>5450434 >What risk is there though for me not receiving my package? I've ordered unregistered and registered SAL and EMS and I live in the US. I have not once lost a package yet with (R)SAL (About seven or eight packages over two or three years now), though you might be worried because SAL does take like a half a month to a month to get to you and if it's not registered you have no tracking at all. However, if you do get registered SAL they do give you insurance on your package, and EMS gives you insurance by default, so even if your package is lost they'll refund you completely.
I think Mandy only does registered SAL anyway but it's been at least a year since I ordered via SAL from them, but you can specify that you want it to be registered SAL and insured for a certain amount that you specify when you're placing your order, it'll just tack on like $4 extra for your shipping.
Just remember that Mandarake is a set of real stores in Japan, so when you place your order you're not guaranteed the items you buy since they might have sold them at the actual store, so if it's a big deal you can click the button that says "Cancel this order if item is not in stock" when you're at checkout.
>>5450434 >What risk is there though for me not receiving my package? Practically none. I recommend going with EMS or DHL shipping, It's more pricey but I always get My package in less than a week from Japan to Wisconsin with tracking. SAL is cheaper but can take up to a month and you don't have tracking. It's still pretty safe, but for Me EMS or DHL is just nicer.
>>5450472 Zamsher from Ultraman Mebuis. Awesome space ninja dude.
>>5450515 He looks pretty fuckin rad. How's his articulation and range of motion?
When did Mini-pla become so popular? Friend informed me the Zyuohger mech went up half an hour ago, I just checked and the preorder's already closed.
>>5450522 He's an Ultra Act, which has Figuarts level of articulation, so pretty darn good. He looks like someone from a SNES sidescroller ninja game by Keita Amemiya (check out the SNES game Hagane: Final Conflict, that's what this guy makes Me think of).
He's an older and somewhat obscure Ultra-Act. I got him pretty cheap off of Mandarake. A quick look shows there's one available for 2500 yen.
>>5450591 Link to the 2500 one? All I'm seeing is a 4k
Here ya go guys, updated the checklists... Here's the General Releases.
>tfw no ToQ ranger keys on ebay right now
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>>5450584 yeah, what
>>5450599 said. Still hoping they reopen and it's just an initial swarming. I'm hoping for a massive cluster-fuck zord to come out of this.
>>5450605 Click on the 4K one and scroll down to 'other choices' and there's one in Umeda for 2500.
https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1031216094&ref=dos Eric
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>>5450610 And Exclusive Releases.
>>5450616 Thanks man, ordered. Hopefully the condition isn't too bad
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>>5450369 Probably 2am EST just like every other time.
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>>5450631 Mandarake is strict about what they'll sell
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>>5450306 I've made about 20 orders from mandarake and recieved every single one of them. These guys are reliable as shit. Don't worry anon. It's the addiction you should worry about.
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>>5450791 I'm throwing my wallet at the screen but nothing is happening.
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>>5450839 >Juuouger Go away takenoko
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>>5451286 Hopefully never that mold is shit
SIC Gaim or Rising Mighty?
>>5451309 Gaim, no real reason to get Rising Mighty over regular Mighty.
>>5451317 Isn't Rising cheaper than regular is right now?
>>5451320 >implying we all don't already have one Anonymous
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>>5451337 Not him but I don't have one because I had Ultimate Form.
...which I sold because I wanted to get SHFSS, and that ended up an exclusive (and therefore too pricey for me to throw in my current economy), etc. Oh well.
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>>5451337 I don't have one though.
>>5450907 Surprisingly easy to get through checkout. Got one.
>>5451337 I have two.
Granted from undesirable circumstances.
>checking amiami for kuuga >noticed kabuto got a rerelease pre-order >they're closed When the fuck did this happen? I've been out of the loop for a bit. Kind of mad I missed my chance
>>5451366 I don't know the exact date, but the pre-orders went up when Ghost did.
He sold out in like 5 minutes.
>>5451362 w-what happened? did one kug die?
WTF HLJ? Why no Kuuga yet?
>>5451356 That is because this month's preorder day was boring.
>A Rider...'s bike >A Rider form few if any actually wanted made worse in context of the form most people actually wanted being exclusive >Another Iron Man >Old manga/anime character SHFs which are rarely a hot item to the Japanese and are more aimed at the international nostalgiafags >Rereleases Closest thing you can call a hot item is SIC Gaim. However it's been 2 years and this is a noncanon depiction of Gaim with a gimmick that isn't even his actual gimmick, as cool as it is.
>>5451381 >A Rider form few if any actually wanted made worse in context of the form most people actually wanted being exclusive Yet Kuuga sold out on Amiami in, what, 3-4 minutes?
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>Kuuga >sold out Oh, I guess Gaim is fine. Guess this is as good a time as any to buy a first SIC.
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>>5451373 Fuck, that figures. I'll hold on to the hope of cancelled orders then, I guess. Thanks.
>>5451375 No... I thought one disappeared, but it was actually kidnapped!
...But I got it back from my thieving sibling. Now I wasted my money on another one thinking the other got lost in SAL's rumored void. So here I am, meta morphing at twice the price.
>>5451407 It should be an easy sell, at least.
Unless you want two Kuugas to double protect your smile. But does one really need two Godais..?
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>>5451379 Okay it's up. Weird it was the only thing delayed. Well Goku too but restocks tends to be off a little I think.
>>5451410 You could pretend one is Onodera
>>5451429 Better yet the ancient original Kuuga
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>>5451436 Or his own clone, so neither of them will remain virgins...
>>5451387 Goddammit, the Japanese are gonna stagnate the already slow SHFSS line. Like, I can get doing Rider forms that made the show or were iconic story elements like Kuuga Ultimate or, say, OOO Tajador combo. Monsters who have that level of iconography are okay too.
But FUCK IT if we have to suffer through them redoing every goddamn form of Kuuga for the SHFSS monthly release for months on end. We could be getting Gattack or Diend. We could be getting other Riders who deserve the time and resources. Both decades of Hesei still have plenty of them.
I LOVE Kuuga, mind you. It is just that I really wanted SHFSS to be a line that trimmed the fat and went straight for redoing Kamen Riders in their base forms at top notch quality. Especially since, again, SHFSS is slow and I'd rather them devote all their time on base forms than waste even a second on fat. Only the most iconic of forms at best should be the exception for SHFSS Rider releases.
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Rising Mighty up at HLJ
My plan was to wait until Rising Mighty dropped to 2.5k on Mandy, maybe 3k if I was feeling really impatient. Looks like that plan is shot to hell. Oh well, at least I'll have SIC Gaim to comfort me in the cold, cold night.
>>5451583 >My plan was to wait until Rising Mighty dropped to 2.5k on Mandy, maybe 3k if I was feeling really impatient. Suffice to say, you severely underestimated the popularity of Kuuga.
>>5451618 I like to think of it as severely underestimating the popularity of a repaint. It makes me sound less retarded.
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>>5451442 Yeah, I got pissed after seeing Rising Mighty show up. I understand them rereleasing these guys to go with the bike releases but this is too much.
>>5451718 Technically it's a retool and of a major form, so uh..
That said, makes me wonder if Bandai will release the non-secondaries (Sasword, Thebee, etc) SHFSS Kabuto Riders as standard, assuming they plan on making them. Kabuto himself is selling pretty damn well, from what it looks like.
I remember Figuarts Kick/Punchhopper often increasing on the aftermarket, especially when the other bro gets reissued.
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>>5450791 This better not have shit articulation like Ultraman.
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>>5452191 After Ultimate went exclusive and Rising Mighty went standard, it's hard to say what they will and won't do. Assume that they won't even make non secondaries
>>5452191 Well there's that Gatack prototype that was shown off awhile back, so we're at least getting secondaries
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>>5452301 And Diend. But we won't be getting more Agito or Hibiki riders.
>>5451442 Decade comes out at the end of this month, so I'm hoping we might get a listing for Diend around then when he's fresh in people's minds. Same with Gattack and the Kabuto reissue.
I had the same expectations for the SHFSS line as you, so yeah all this Kuuga whoring is pretty frustrating. If only people had bought Hibiki and Agito.
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>>5452392 Agito isn't unpopular like Hibiki, it's just that they assumed he'd sell as well as Kuuga.
I know Kuuga is a great show and all, but I'm surprised at how much Japan loved him.
I'm actually a bit surprised they did Kuuga and Kabuto with bikes but not Decade's.
>>5452407 The bikes came out after the figures. We'll more than likely see Machine Decader around June or July
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>>5452424 The bikes were mostly after them though while Decade is new, no reason to put off Decade's unless they plan to bundle him with one later.
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Wanna see what's in the box guys?
>>5452685 Cool, where can I get one
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>>5452700 Japan most likely.
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>>5450611 It's not out till March.
>>5452685 How big is Derpasaurus zord?
I expect the answer to be a no, but does anyone think there's a chance for a rerelease of the CSM Decadriver? I know it's a P-Bandai item, but still, they've found ways around the exclusive label before.
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>>5453374 Has there been a re-release of any other CSM belt?
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>>5453385 >n That's fuckin adorable.
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>>5453385 Hey, that's Tuxedo Mask from the Sailor Moon musical.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYflukX_EUw Anonymous
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When ordering from mandarake, if I select the cancel if item is sold option, will I get a notification for which item was sold already? I'm planning on buying a few things things to save on shipping cost. EMS seems to be about 15 dollars or so.
When does the DX eyecon set with Grimm in it get released?
>>5453691 16th, It's a Grimm/Sanzo/Himiko set.
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>>5453701 I thought it came out on the 6th?
holy fuck these prices are ridiculous
>>5454294 >a clerk told me that they simply double the Yen cost, then stick a decimal point before the last two zeroes, and explained to me that this was how people price Gunpla. Sounds like one hell of a store.
>>5454377 well I just assumed it was because they needed to cover their shipping cost.
but still man. 70 for TK
their gunpla is overpriced as well.
Just down the street is Gundam Planet, which has closer to realistic prices.
Revive RX-78 is 13 bucks at Gundam Planet and its nearly 27 at Mars NY
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>>5454381 The only way that Wizardriver price makes sense is if they spent $110 on shipping.
>>5454294 >Buying from the shady Chinatown shops If you really need to grab something in Jew York go to Image Anime. Their prices are still higher than what you'd get online most of the time, but it's not "Double the price to cover the shipping cost"
>>5454294 >Buying Tokumerch anywhere but from Japan i'd rather deal with the shipping costs than pay double the item cost + shop markup that these fuckers add onto them.
Moose !!UzgADXuLlVV
>>5454294 >Applichanger >$80 You can buy it for $11 on Amazon right now.
I've never used the private warehouse on HLJ before, I am considering using it, but I thought I read something on their site that you can't use it in conjunction with pre-order stuff. I want to pre-order the Eyecon 3 pack but I also want to get some other stuff at the same time, is that possible?
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>>5454667 Buy whatever's in stock, store in warehouse. Ship everything out when your pre-order items have arrived (and deposited in the warehouse.) Make sure it's within 3 months or whatever the time limit is.
>start a season of KR you haven't watched yet >now you want the belt Fuck. Blade's Blay Buckle (is it really called that?) goes for $65+. Dunno if that's worth complaining about, but I can just see the added custom fees now. Fucking Europe.
Moose !!UzgADXuLlVV
>>5455058 Don't forget it makes only one sound, and Garren's is just a recolor with a different sound.
>>5455058 I think the only belts/ toys I really want are the OOO and Gaim Drivers/Lockseeds. Mainly as accompanying display pieces for my figuarts.
I have way too many figuarts. That's the real curse.
Joker !!zlgSynbWW6V
>>5454294 >dat Applichanger Anonymous
>>5455207 Gaim's belt goes for 5k now that they're restocked them. DX lockseeds aren't too bad, the real pain is buying Lemon Energy.
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>>5455522 Really? Nice. I only want a couple lockseeds for decoration. Of all the gimmick shit, they've got one of the best aesthetic, and playability to them. I'm leaving my manic collecting to the figuarts. I've got half of them and I need moar
>>5455509 Hold the fuck on, is that shopped in or did Chase's number actually shed tears?
>>5456224 Nah it's just flames from after his body exploded.
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>>5448090 is that a gopro?
>>5454614 >>5454398 >>5454397 >mfw these idiots thought I buy anything from this store Anonymous
>>5455154 Yeah, but it's still cool looking. Can't beat that card flip. I guess I won't bother though.
>>5455207 I have both, they're great. I still want a W Driver.
>>5456974 But do you want a W Driver enough to get the CSM?
>>5456977 How many millions does it cost?
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>>5456940 >hurr durr Nobody said you bought anything you faggot.
>>>/a/ Anonymous
>>5457060 20k, 15k for a Lost Driver, 7k for a Fang Memory, Xtreme didn't get a CSM I don't think
There's also an updated thing they put out to fix super minor issues like 3-5k
And a t2 Joker memory floating around that was an order bonus for the Lost Driver and Fang Memory
>>5457074 Meh, I'll probably get a Super Best version at some point.
Saw a review fo rthe CSM just now and it said it only comes with 4 memories (no metal/luna I think) and doesn't have the disengage sound.
>>5457274 Both CSM and Super Best have 6 and have the sound. The original DX driver didn't have Metal or Trigger, those came with separate DX toys.
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>>5457291 Hm. Well still, I'm fine with Super Best, but whatever ends up being cheaper, really.
TV-Kun magazine looks at ZyuohKing. I love how excited the kids are. You'd think they never saw a brick before.
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That reaction to the Giraffe! Ha!
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I do like the individual animals. The gattai is gonna take awhile to get use to.
>>5457514 what do the motion lines represent, does it have little wheels on the bottom of its feet?
*barf* those little horrible snacks. That kid should be scared of them! The clear mini-pla JyuohKing looks good.
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>>5457524 No wheels, they just want to show what it looks like thrown across the room or at a window.
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>>5457529 Oh man, that clear JyuohKing looks really good, I might have to buy that.
>>5457529 Aren't those just cubes of cheap chocolate biscuit?
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>>5457634 Yeah they taste like dog biscuits with a hint of chocolate. They're horrible.
Wow. All it needed was Stronger and TJOmega would have already bought ten sets.
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>>5456255 Still hurts...
Really hope someone will translate that Mach novel. That or they make another v-cinema that has a revival story, if Mach's future portion doesn't cover it.
>>5457923 Does Toku General hate him like TF General does?
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>>5457923 Nobody cares what some autist manchild faggot reviewer thinks.
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>>5458385 i think hes a mouth breathing fag
>>5457923 Does anyone actually have anything from the first set or any of these? I have a couple Gundam Converges and I like them for what they are, but I figure they wouldn't be all that popular since they are just little static figurines.
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>>5458433 First set comes out later this month
Finally got a Dragon ranger from a British anon in the BST! Pretty great price, too; roughly 53 shipped for him and blade basically new in package. They are some great figures. Is the White ranger worth hunting down? He's the last I want from MMPR.
>>5458576 If you don't mind paying latecomers tax on a toy that shares 80% of a mold you own + him having jack shit for accessories, sure.
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>>5458699 I mean, I'm willing to pay ~20 more via mandarake. I'm not actively searching atm and will not pay too much. I dont really care about the accessories as long as he comes with his weapon and hands to hold it
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I don't know for sure if I got it, or if the condition is "Some Guy Literally Shit On This", but I just got Ranger Key Lost Edition for $140CAD +Shipping. CSToys fucked up my pre-order and I have been cruising off the refund for the past month and a half and this is way less then I would've paid with them.
>Pre-orders for these are already sold out. Fuck. They were the last three I needed. How am I supposed to make my wish now?
>>5459492 >they had to force people to buy Himiko with Necrom's Eyecons otherwise it'd be Peach Energy all over again I'm not too sure what to think about that.
>>5457529 How do those little white candies that come with Candy Toys taste like? I've never bought one but I'm thinking about buying the Minipla ZyuOhKing when it comes out.
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>>5459562 More people would probably go for the Ghost form than the female rider who did nothing notable.
>>5459643 kinda like a giant lemon-y smartie
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>>5459643 Generic sugar with a hint of citrus.
>>5459692 You mean rockets faggot.
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>>5448090 >Mini-pla Juuou King - 2/23 Is that the clear one?
>>5459492 Wonder what the reasoning was for the slightly translucent sparkly plastic on Grimm and Sanzo, makes them not match the other 13 eyecons.
Moose !!UzgADXuLlVV
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>>5459643 A chalky, slightly citrus-y tablet. They don't really seem to go out of date, but they're enjoyable to eat if you ever buy any candy toy things.
>>5460045 Probably because Robin Hood and Benkei are already green and white and they wanted Grimm and Sanzo to stand out?
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>>5460298 Could have just used different shades. I mean Newton, Ryoma, Tut and Houdini are all just different shades of blue.
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>>5460045 Initially I thought they were going to be different because they were going to be unsealed with an eye symbol from necron.
Though that all went out the window when the standby color of the pupil was just randomly assigned...
So I've always heard a lot of criticism about Eternal's Figuarts. What exactly is wrong with him (and I guess by extension Red Flare) other than the kind of weird proportions that every figure with the Double body has?
so if I wanted to hunt down a DX Black Ultimate DaiBouken set, how much should I be expecting to pay for it?
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>>5460620 paint work on him is exceptionally shitty
>>5460930 Yahoo Auction only has 3, the cheapest being pretty dusty. With the price of the others, you might as well get the one on ebay for $270.
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My SS Agito's right shoulder is super fucking loose. Is there ANY way to get inside the chest to tighten that balljoint?
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>>5460949 damn that is way out of my current budget, guess it'll continue to be a White Whale for me
Joker !!zlgSynbWW6V
What signal changes have been released for Figuarts Mach?
>>5461014 IIRC, all of them. You just need to get his bike and DeadHeat Mach for them.
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>>5461014 >>5461016 Turn is with Mach, Stop and Scatter are with Rider Macher, but Danger isn't in DeadHeat Mach, Chaser Mach, or any other Drive set to date.
Joker !!zlgSynbWW6V
>>5461016 >>5461016 Thanks. I was looking for Kikern, but I guess that'll never happen
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>>5461066 It's a cool bike, too bad he barely used it in the show
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>>5458385 Whenever I look at him, all I can see is that shine his skin has. His skin probably has enough oils to fry the food he lives off of.
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>>5460620 It is of a terrible character.
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>>5460620 The original release, at least, is prone to awful paint work, especially on the arms. He also has joint stability problems, especially in the hips, probably as a result of mold degradation.
>>5457529 Do we have any more info/date on that clear mini-pla JyuohKing? Does the fact that it shows the bandai website at the bottom of that page mean that it's an exclusive?
Murderman needs a figure.
>>5462561 I'd like figures of Mirrorman or Fireman or some of the other Tsuburaya giant heroes. At least there's figures of some of their spiritual successors in the form of Mirror Knight and Glenfire.
Is Amazon a good place to get SHF from? There were some I wanted a few years ago and never got around to ordering, but the prices seem to be a bit extreme ($60+).
>>5462556 Eat chocolate. Tear open packaging to see if you win.
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>>5462830 Fuck, so I'll never own it. Thanks for the info.
Unwritten rule or not, confirmation on first American Karate Bugman seems relevant to the thread.
newfag here I am looking for a sturdy/durable, well articulated, generic looking SH Figuarts figure that I can get under $25. He will be sort of a desk companion in my home office. I do not care what the character is like in his series, I only care about aesthetics and how the figure itself is, as well as price. Maybe a robotic looking one, or at least one 100% skin covered. Thanks /toy/
>>5462981 Mandarake currently has Fourze's Base States for as low as 1500 yen. What's great about him is, aside from the neat spacesuit aesthetic, he has several module sets that provide you with tons of extra weapons and accessories for you to mess around with. On his own, he already comes with his rocket and drill accessories, so you won't be disappointed even if you opt not to get the module sets.
>>5463006 Thanks for the tip
Around the internet I'm seeing the following SH Figuarts within my price range. Please let me know if any of these are very durable and articulate - or the best among these:
>Master Asia "G Gundam" >Vul Eagle Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan >Agito Ground Form >Bio Rider Kamen Rider Black RX >Kuuga Mighty Form >Fourze Base State >OOO Shauta Combo >Fourze Meteor >KR No. 1 >Agito Shining Form >Beast Wizard Anonymous
>>5463039 I'd recommend Fourze Base States like that other Anon. It has a shit ton of playability.
Out of that list, I don't recommend Beast (made cheaply), and I think Meteor wasn't also the most solid. Everything (except Asia and Vulcan, don't know about those) are fine, but a lot of those are outdated too. But if you don't care about accuracy, then I guess 1.0s are fine.
If you're going to get Kuuga or Agito, buy the SHFSS Agito Ground form. He can be found pretty cheap, but you might have to pay a little more than $25.
What is the single best Toku SH Figuarts figure of all time?
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>>5463065 Agito
Dem ankles.
>>5463065 That's pretty subjective. Personally, Shadow Moon and Fuwa Juzo are My two favorites.
>>5463060 Master Asia is a lot of fun, especially if you're a fan of G Gundam. He's stupid cheap on Amazon too. Which probably means street clothes Domon, Allenby, and Rain never.
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>>5463065 Probably SHFSS Kuuga for the time being.
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>>5463065 I love SHFSS Hibiki personally. Guy is just insanely sexy and easy to play with.
>>5463085 Yeah, I don't get why they thought Master Asia as a standard release was a good idea.
I wouldn't buy Asia, but I'd love a Renewal of Domon. Shame that would never happen.
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>>5463065 I'd have to say Ryuki. Great base body, tons of articulation, super tight joints, hands, A DRAGON, and a stand. And, you can still get him for ~4k on mandarake. It goes super fast, but he pops up on there from time to time.
I'm thinking about picking up the CSM edition of the W driver off Mandarake. How big of a difference can there be between "open and unused" and "opened and used?" I'm not opposed to paying the $40 difference but I want to weigh my options first. Also, is there a chance that more shiny W eyecons will pop up? I'm not a big fan of the normal version.
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>>5463385 There's really no way to know significant differences unless they think it's necessary to show it. I've gotten figures that obviously didn't feel mint but were in fine condition. If it's the Fukuoka branch, I've noticed that their toys seem to be cheaper. Although they took forever to get my orders together and ship them.
Capsule toys are hardly ever sold again. Just deal with it or wait for the price to drop much later from now. It is a 1/20 ratio.
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>>5463385 If it's Mandarake, then probably negligible difference. Open and unused means it probably was just inspected to see if everything is there, open and used means it was probably turned on during inspection.
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>>5462960 >Bandai releasing 6" Ant-Man >Hasbro releasing 9" or 12" Ant-Man Damn son, that's gunna be fucking awesome.
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>>5463065 Anyone recent. Not the current rider SHF at the time, except Gaim and after, because they tend to be wrong in someway.
Older ones, Gills and Another Agito were great, because I think they outsourced the sculpting of them, so looked right even back then.
Thees are all about the same so pick what you think looks great.
>>5462608 Amazon is pretty bad for a lot of things. Maybe you'll get lucky when looking for a better deal but it's never your first stop.
>>5463385 If you're concerned, send an email asking for pictures.
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>>5462981 >>5463039 anon I found the right answer for you
G3-X. Robotic looking, $25 on Amazon, tons of accessories, and I know you don't care but he's coolest rider in his series
Anywhere I can pre-order this figure right now? I know N-Y is out but are there any other places that could handle it? I'll try manda at launch if need be, but I just realized just how bad I want this.
>>5463540 >Amazon is pretty bad for a lot of things. Maybe you'll get lucky when looking for a better deal but it's never your first stop. All the places I found so far for the SHF all reduced to Amazon, but I will just have to look harder first. I've never ordered from Amazon before, so I don't really know how bad they are with shipping and what not.
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>>5463610 >I just realized just how bad I want this. Same here dude, i was holding off pre-order because it doesn't come with the cracked head, but now i want it regardless. Prob just gonna go with mandy.
I haven't bought Necrom's arm-belt yet. How fucked am I?
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>>5464011 >DESTROY! you fucked up
Joker !!zlgSynbWW6V
>>5464011 Depends. Want to spend as low as $78 for a wrist driver that only works with 4 eyecons?
>>5464513 Well, it works with them all but it only has 4 eyecon sounds
>>5464528 Your definition of "works" is sad.
>>5464535 Look you put an eyecon in it makes a sound. The only problem is it makes extra sounds for Necrom's personal eyecons.
>>5464548 >the Break Gunner accepted all of Drive's cars save for the main forms with new sounds >the Mach Driver accepted everything other than the Viral Cores with new sounds It's a big step backwards. You can think it looks cool if you want but don't tell anyone its worth the price based on its functions.
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>>5464557 It's a shame that the other eyecons don't have unique sounds, but it's understandable why they don't. The break gunner and the Mach Driver only had to say the name of the shift car, unlike the Necron driver which would have to end up re recording a bitch load of little songs.
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>>5464513 $78? Don't be an idiot. Just stalk mandarake and pick it up for 3k when it pops up again.
Which Figuarts bootlegs are decent quality? I'm considering aliexpress (i saw the aliexpress thread). If the figure is 1/3 the price am I getting MORE than 1/3 the quality? Thus getting a better value?
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>>5464674 Datong DBZ's stuff are the best in terms of bootlegs, that's about it.
From what I've heard, some of their releases are pretty much on-par to the actual releases
Is Mandarake a good place to buy things from? The English version of the site is (understandably) iffy, and it's making me uncertain a bit. How bad, generally, do the shipping costs offset the low price on some of the items? I know that depends on how much you order and where you live, but anything in general would be nice to know.
>>5464723 Mandarake is very reputable. For questions like this, you can just Google this shit yourself instead of asking anyone.
Shipping costs are about average as anywhere else (maybe just a tiny bit higher), but keep in mind that there's no option for unregistered SAL anymore. Some stores also offer DHL shipping services (not sure if this applies to all stores nowadays, as I don't use it)
Before you order, make sure you go through their FAQ and understand how ordering works.
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>>5464739 >you can just Google this shit yourself instead of asking anyone. I was doing so, but I always like to get other opinions if possible before deciding on something involving money. I will admit I didn't get to the part in the FAQ with the shipping costs at the time. Thanks anon
>>5464513 >4 Eyecons Necrom, Grimm, Sanzo and Ghost?
I saw some reviews and no one bothered to put anything but those ones in. Based on my very limited understanding of Japanese I thought everything but the first 3 made the same noises as the Ghost one, but they make no noises?
Also does the Necrom Eyecon have a power switch or would I need to hold on to the plastic bit to keep the batteries apart?
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>>5465396 >Also does the Necrom Eyecon have a power switch or would I need to hold on to the plastic bit to keep the batteries apart? There's a switch
https://youtu.be/O-IytK1IVvk?t=2m12s Anonymous
>>5464513 >As low as $78 Are you just fucking retarded?
It's $35 or so and has been in stock here and there a lot on HLJ.
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>>5463654 Very rarely do I find a figure cheaper on Amazon than Mandarake.
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>>5462574 anything that tsuburaya productions has their name on is shit
Nobody posted this yet? Not liking them milking out alternative Rider forms so quickly when there's more base stuff to do. However more monsters are always nice. Especially ones they have not done before.
>>5466791 I looked around but all I saw were the RAH and Ultraman stuff.
I think after Rising Mighty, even those are something to look forward to.
Joker !!zlgSynbWW6V
>>5465450 I hadn't checked HLJ. Even with that price you'll be paying 20+ with EMS.
>>5466791 Base Kiva never ;_:
Joker !!zlgSynbWW6V
>>5467276 Kuuga has a few more forms before they get to Kiva. Shit, they'll make more Kikiader figures before Kiva.
>>5467365 I want Kiva, but to be honest I'd rather Bandai make more Kikaider stuff first if that was even the case.
I hope we can expect that Reboot Figuarts to be released this year. He's just too sexy to not be.
Joker !!zlgSynbWW6V
>>5467410 I really want that reboot figuart they teased a while back.
>>5467410 >>5467423 Speaking of teases, any word on that Metalder?
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>>5467276 If you stop asking for it, they'll stop pushing it back.
Joker !!zlgSynbWW6V
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>>5467556 I want Metalder for VR Troopers nostalgia, but I haven't seen anything about Toku Figuarts yet.
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>>5467018 Nope. Even with EMS the shipping is less than $20.
I saw this from some crappy reviewer's page. Seems to hint a CSM Faiz or maybe Kiva. You guys have any clue?
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>>5468191 >some crappy reviewer's page kek
Why'd I order a Ghost Driver?
>>5468202 New toy hype? I did the same thing with Ghost's driver too. I regret it quite a bit.
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How good is the Kaixa figuart? I have Delta for comparison.
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>>5467556 Nothing in regards to MH except Winspector.
The last TN was garbage except for KR stuff, and Figuarts Ultras if anyone even wants those.
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>>5468202 >>5468210 I know quite a few began to regret it when we got scans of the grateful belt.
yasushi nirasawa the monster designer for kabuto and den-o and many more series. has passed away at 52.
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>>5468210 Not really regretting getting all the ghost dx stuff per se, but I am glad there are only 15 hero souls.
first for midoninjer as waifu
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>>5468856 first and only senpai
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>The Infinite (Mugen) Ghost Eyecon will be released in June, it will allow Takeru to transform into Kamen Rider Ghost Infinite Soul. It will feature its own unique sounds and 7-coloured LED lights. >Meanwhile, the Deep Spectre Ghost Eyecon will be released in April, which allows Spectre to become Kamen Rider Deep Spectre. The Deep Spectre Eyecon will be similar to Toucon Boost in that it will light up when the button is pressed. Fuck yeah. Spectre actually getting a final form. Also glad that grateful soul isn't ghosts' final form.
>>5468442 52? I always thought that was young but a lot of people have been dying recently close to that age. Is there a list of who designed what in the different rider series? I've looked a few times and have come up empty handed. Kabuto especially.
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>>5468191 Faiz Gear had a CS release already, would be disappointing if they went CSM too.
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>>5470090 50s is usually when some health things test the pool to see who can sink or swim.
>>5470184 >held off Newton to bundle it with Himiko otherwise no one would buy her. Anonymous
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>>5470213 Can you blame them?
How is the Ultraman figuarts? What does mandarake mean with>Please understand the situation about scratches? ・ stained for a used article.
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>>5470615 Sounds like it's scratched up and possibly stained.
>>5470615 Does this appear on all used listings, of his that particular one?
Of the latter, yeah it might have some stains. Typically though, unless it is on a noticeable discount or something, it shouldn't be too bad.
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>>5470662 Ah. No, no. I was just putting questions about 2 different figures on a single post. It was on a post for a TaJaDol figuarts, though the Ultraman is the one I'm actually interested in.
Since Mandarake calls an invisible tear in the package "severe damage" I though that I could get figures with shitty boxes for cheap.
6th ranger should be nice.
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>>5470733 Every single design we've seen so far has looked fucking godawful. It really says something when even the 6th looks like shit.
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>>5470733 >Triple changer Ranger I like it!
Looks like other than the wrists, it'll have the same articulation problems as Ultraman.
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>>5470192 >>5470200 Blu-ray 23% off via Amazon Japan
http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B01AVRKR22 Items:¥7,339
Shipping & Handling:¥1,200
Order Total:¥8,539
DVD 23% off via Amazon Japan
http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B01AVRKQWI Items: ¥6,565
Shipping & Handling:¥1,200
Order Total: ¥7,765
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>>5470733 Wani, Sai, Kuma! Wasaima!
This is so OOO, I love it.
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>>5470733 >just one animal short of GaoHunter A rhino is fine, too.
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>>5470733 The helmet changing is pretty cool, but why the fuck did they think it looked good to have a legit animal drawing on their chests...
Seriously it looks like one of those shitty animal shirts you see natives and white trash wearing.
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>>5466791 Nice. I had to look the monster up. He's damn cool with all the rider faces on him.
>>5470903 The abdomens look unnaturally long. Is that just the angle or are the figures actually like that?
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>>5470733 I love the helmet
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>>5471315 Original protoype
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>>5471285 >>5471311 Essentially the abdomen isn't too weird, the shorter upper chest and low pelvic v make it seem longer than normal. If you guide by the thigh's sides then it's fine.
>Order Figuarts Drive Type Wild because he's dirt cheap >"Meh, I'm gonna get it just to give Type Speed the Steering Sword" >Finally get him >"Holy shit he's fucking beautiful" And this didn't sell well why?
>>5471633 Because Type Wild looks extremely bulky, looks like his pants are drooping down, and generally is unpleasant to look at? It's the ugliest Drive form.
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>>5471640 >UltraAct >Making any more kaiju ever Anonymous
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>>5470733 Holy fuck, this is amazing.
>>5471121 That's what I thought. I'm so excited.
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>>5470733 >What color should we make the sixth this year? Black, gold or silver? >Yes. Anonymous
>>5471636 >Not Technic >Not Formula Faggot
>>5471664 >Technic >Even remotely bad The green is beautiful, the robot nature is cool, and the tire placement is okay.
>Formula I didn't like it at first, but it grew on me. Wild was just all around shit, and it didn't help that he constantly went into it to fight with the Steering Sword for the first dozen episodes.
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>>5471666 The helmet and horizontal tire placement near his neck kills it for Technic. I like the green.
Formula is just bad. The chest is too huge and awkward, the tires on the arms are way too bulky, the stickers and helmet break up the design too much, and the weapon idea was worse than the DJ gun. I hate Formula more just because Technic was only used like three times
Gosei Orange !!PiM42htczNV
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Moose, I want to fuck you.
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>>5471636 >It's the ugliest Drive form. I
is CStoys a good site for buying toku stuff?
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>>5471636 Anon pls, get your eyes checked.
The only forms that are THAT ugly are the cross Rider forms.
Moose !!UzgADXuLlVV
>>5471823 They're good if you're buying a bunch of Gash or Candy Toy items at the same time. Otherwise you're usually paying around the same or a tiny bit more than at other stores, and their shipping is a teensy bit more expensive. They also don't have the sales other stores tend to have on even brand new items released that week, however they make up for it by having some pretty great customer service. You can see them package your stuff, and you get a personalized "Thank you" from them included in your box sometimes packed with goodies like a Ganbaride card(An actual one) and I recall hearing of people getting a Ramune candy thrown in as well.
The owner of the site also has a podcast where he shows off the new stuff they got in stock.
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>>5471827 >They're good if you're buying a bunch of Gash or Candy Toy items at the same time. great, I was thinking about buying the minipla Shurikenjin from them
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Got the last shift car I needed today. Road Winter! I also got a few freebies as well. The poster and card are cool, but the ring is useless to me since I couldn't stand Wizard.
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>Japan will never make the Bandora gang.
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Crap!!! Be prepared to pay more USD unless this starts to go back up.
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Ultimate Kuuga's order closed today. Bandai will put up a second one, but I'd get one sooner than later.
IF I live in the states and select the Yen payment method via nippon yasan it comes out cheaper... Is this an okay thing to do? Or, are there fees I don't know about. Its my first order there.
>>5473612 When you pay through Paypal it's going to convert your currency anyway and tack on the conversion fee.
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>>5473614 Alright, I'll just use usd then. I was unsure about that. Thanks!
Joker !!zlgSynbWW6V
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>>5474192 Well this is a great big FU to anyone that bought those square grid boxes to hold Eyecons.
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>>5474192 Oh damn, that looks awesome. The ghost dx stuff has been pretty decent. I just only wished the necron driver had all the other eyecon sounds, especially because it has the greatest voice a driver has had in a while.
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>>5474192 If the infinity symbol has trailing lights then it might be cool. Otherwise it just seems silly since his driver is just gonna have an infinity sign on top of it now.
>>5474192 I'm still trying to understand what function that infinity symbol is going to have. It has to do more than just sit there, right?
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>>5474192 Unless that infinity symbol lights up or something, that's total shit. I'm expecting it to be super fragile, too, since it looks to be made of clear, glittery plastic.
>>5474192 HAHAHAHAHA! Now that's just the cherry on top of the shit sunday that's Ghost.
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>>5474192 So apart from the Megauloader, Ghost has no decent/good toys in its entire run.
That's pretty disappointing.
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>>5474192 >eyecon skullfucks the ghost driver Oh shit
>>5475278 Does that photo look better than all of the others, or am I just trying to talk myself into Ultraseven?
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>>5475300 These photos are definitely more appealing, I'm going for it.
>>5475057 Ghost is just a slightly less boring Wizard.
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>>5475537 Whoa, whoa whoa. Let's not say anything we can't take back.
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>>5470090 There isn't one single source, in case of Kabuto, there's a Nirasawa artbook out for it, 120 pages of full page drawings of the monsters. Well worth getting.