by PomPom, they do these strange videos too but not maybe as disturbing as some of the others. The little scenery builds are nice but the needle & syringe stuff with water balloons is.... well kids shouldn't be playing with syringes and they barely seem to be observing safety with the things much. THEN the latter half of the videos get weirder. Not as weird or disturbing as the others, but just so much you wonder if the person doing these is right in the head. There may be some bots at work on this but with 1m views each video, but they're light compared to the others and they leave ratings enabled.
It's a letdown, because if they just stuck to the diorama builds and didn't use hypodermic needles, narrated or at least out in text describing things, and got rid of the second odd half of the videos, they'd be fun to watch.
It's like the videos are sort of like Kluna Tik's eating and Charlie venus flytrap videos, but he does those weird on purpose and puts up disclaimers, while these toy and Elsa videos, you don't know what's going on, but there's this thin line between how weird they are.