>>5724006Yeah. Still though, there's no reason to use die-cast as joints ever.
>>5724024Pretty damn splendid for the price, better looking than Quakewave and MP imo, good plastic. The rubber hoses don't fit in the sockets that well and the thumb on the hands are loose, but you can just fix it up with floor polish or something. Wouldn't call that an issue because of how easily fixable it is.
The biggest issue really are thighs, specifically that swivel. They aren't completely flushed, so when you move the legs up or down (especially since they're on a ratchet), you're just slightly bending that swivel peg. When you move the thighs, you need to move them by holding the thigh itself to avoid stressing it the peg.
I also wish they didn't bother with the ratchet joint, and just used a smooth joint like they did with the right-left motion of the legs. It's strong enough to hold all that weight, so a ratchet joint feels excessive. The left leg's ratchet is slightly stronger than the other, so I want to disassemble the hips and see if I can weaken both ratchet joints as I'm personally not into the ratchet thing at all for this figure.
My figure also came with an extra pair of clear hands (so I have a total of three right hands) and a gun, might be a 2nd later run or I just got lucky. I don't know.
Also protip: you gotta pull out the torso joint up first to get that waist swivel. Some people will tell you that there's no waist joint on Quakeblast, and they're all wrong niggas.