>>5715000While I'd like a source too I'm very inclined to believe the other anon.
Even a lot of younger people (read 14-29), who were raised with these kind of things or never knew how it was before, seem to to lack any kind of internet experience.
It's just enough to browse some websites, but installing Adblock when you are bothered by ads is for many already pure witchcraft.
I'm not much on ebay, but I have a friend who buys a lot of stuff there.
His reason for bidding early is that he thinks it scares away others.
You know there is at least one other person who wants this item, which means you might end in a bidding war, for some that is already too much work.
They want to know that when they make their bid they definitely get the item in the end.
Not sure how true this really is, but it at least makes sense.
I personally bid early on stuff I don't care that much about, but would be nice to win for cheap.
I don't really track these kind of listings, I just bid and wait for the mail.
Things I really want I keep an eye on and try to snipe.