>>5721506>Are these going to be onlineNo one has confirmed it as far as I know. They've put them online in the past, but the last MOTUC SDCC release was a major screwjob that catapulted the set to $150+ scalper levels overnight. Their recent way of putting exclusive stuff online is to announce that they'll do it, then make only a small portion of their stock appear on the announced date, then claim they're "sold out", then put the rest up at an unannounced time and allow people with no lives who check the matty collector site constantly (re: scalpers) to clear out the stock. So not only is it an exclusive, it becomes a blink-and-you-miss-it exclusive TWICE. These guys are masters of inflicting sadism against manchildren.
>If not, are they trying to kill the line before it startsYes. God yes, of course, it's Mattel we're talking about