>>5745199You're shitposting right now, and that does nothing to help the generals. Maybe don't act like an ass, try that one on for size and maybe, just maybe, things will improve.
>>5745030So were you going to pose him cutting off his hand? No? I didn't think so. What you want is inconsequential in the grand scheme of what the figure represents. The chainsaw makes the most sense with it attached to his hand, and as
>>5745076 so, uh...elegantly put it, including a chainsaw (a regular one) would require retooling the accessory. And there's really no reason for it when we'll get a Hero Ash release at some point. Be it ED2 or AoD. So you're getting upset over nothing at all.
Judging by how you've been acting in this thread alone, I imagine you'd be raising hell if the figure came with the chainsaw attached to the arm, but there was no shirt torn torso and sleeveless arm to create the appropriate look.
Frankly this whole uproar is ridiculous, I "get" the reasoning, but there's being disappointed that something doesn't have something, and then there's you nitwits that think NECA should be strung up all because they didn't do things your way.
I defy any of you to tell me any of the Ultimate releases are truly 100% perfect. There's always something they should have had or didn't come with or couldn't quite match up to the scene by scene appearance.
The Terminator figures are especially guilty of this. T-1000 doesn't have a blade arm, that seems like a big missing item to me, but am I losing my shit over it? Hardly. The T-800 is great, but it's missing the ungloved hands, and the shirt's the wrong color for the first part of the movie. Now that doesn't bother me, but in the case of someone like
>>5745030 who apparently thinks every scene should be represented in a single figure, it surely does.
The fact that we're getting two T-1 Terminators because of different costumes tells me that they're opened to doing multiple "Ultimates."