>>5737222Like so, legs left out so people who aren't aware know.
Also, incase you weren't aware, its not the head socket that rotates, the next is infact the titan master head, you could spin around the robot mode head backwards and pull it out leaving out the task of spinning the titan master figure alone (although you just did that with the "next" rotation, derp).
So, its not paint rub that may be a problem, but ruining the balljoint of the little head dude, so take it easy, once it breaks off the head dude can't form the head
>>5737227It does have a big of wiggle room allowing the formed head to look slightly up and down, just don't smash that HEAD ON and when you pull up pull straight up.
If the balljoint for the titan master head cracks you'd be pretty much fucked, you can glue it together and shit but any head off action may cause damage, as an obvious adult I can say this is safe, but for the minimum age of 8 I give the toy 3 months
It seems like I evaded the question of damage of being in fort max head mode but this adds to it, if Emissary's head breaks the whole thing is fucked, its not the cerebros head you need to worry about that's for sure (though you can ruin the look of the sides of cereboro's head if you somehow fuck up the ball joints for Emissary's arms, they're ball joints but the ball sticks out on a peg so be aware he ain't doing any arms out wide posing, once you feel resistance STOP)
If there are any more questions I may return in 7 or so hours after I get some sleep, maybe, we all know what fort max is like