I remember downloading Saga and reading the first chapter.
The story was alright though I couldn't stand the characters, not because tumblr but because most snarky characters just get in my nerves, and the world it presented seemed, to me, like the kind of world that will be indefinitely relegated for spelunking adventures. It still reeked of communist propaganda, though.
It's still somewhere in my hard drive but I am not really interested in it. It just didn't seem as interesting/good as every other comics site made it out to be.
My condolences to the people who wanted toys from it. These look like shit and they're are not even the cool designs.
>>5746874>>5746845I don't think /pol/ cares.
Like, why would they care about petty shit like a comic made only to promote interracial breeding when there are much crazier and stupid things in the news to look at?