>>5749771>Instead they assumed everyone wanted Jem and tried to hype that, only finding the fanbase is cancerous SJWs and that the movie tankedAre you retarded?
The movie tanked because it was garbage, didnt get any advertising, had no storyline, didnt even remotely resemble the 80's cartoon except for little nods here and there, it pulled youtube clips that talked about the original Jem cartoon, and for some reason thought that EVERYONE would be stupid enough to think it was produced JUST for this film... It had nothing to do with SJWs you fucking twat. Nothing. It had to do with a director that had no idea what he was doing, and a writer who had no idea what Jem was other than their names and they played music maybe.
The only thing do correct was the TURBOPANIC after credit scene that tried to save the entire movie by introducing the Misfits in the last 15 seconds of film.
Holy fuck are you a god damn idiot.