>>453722888292200485757556743920You know what Anon?
I just don't care for that figure. I know you like it, but it never really caught my interest/ But if you like it, that's what's important, because you paid for it. Maybe someday they'll put out a version I like.
>>453722888292200485757556743936That's an interesting photo you've posted. Do you mind if I give you a couple of tips?
1) Next time try to pull the camera back a bit. You're a little bit too close and it's throwing off the focus.
2) maybe try with just the room light. The flash is washing out the detail.
3) the pose is a bit...well, I hate to say it, dull. Have a look at some action poses to get an idea of what a jumping person looks like. you might get some ideas as to how to make your poses lifelike and fluid. But for a newbie, that's OK. Everybody has to start somewhere.
>>453722888292200485757556743940Hi Greg. Glad to see you're back. You've improved quite a bit over the last few months, the treatments seem to be working. Hang in there buddy, I'm praying for you.
>>453722888292200485757556743966No problem M8. If you like SAL, More power to ya. I just don't care for the wait time.
>>453722888292200485757556743975Man. That Wii custom looks like shit. Seriously. Did you use your ass cheeks to put it together? You suck. You should kill yourself. If there's a Bizzaro Bizzaro World /toy/, it would still look like ass. There's not one alternate reality where that thing could even remotely be called "good".
>>453722888292200485757556743001Wow, subjectanon. You look very pretty. Beauty AND brains. A rare combination.Say, I know this is very forward of me, but I'd really like to meet you IRL.