Sorry if any mistakes, I judge transformers by my ability to blind transform them and if any kibble gets in the way of out of the box articulation
>>5798135Can't tell if sarcasm, but thank you either way
>>5798139Oh boy, I saw this while opening them up and soon realized the mistakes I made.
>>5798140See this is odd, I find "hotshot" (he's a tracks homage isn't he, being a corvette and the few paint apps and all) to be shit.
>all that robot kibble prevents free movement>back shell doesn't fold limited it from crouching poses>transformation while easy doesn't seem to tab together well as the plastic buckles in your handsLockdown at least moved around freely and his transformation went quite smoothly, the lack of windows in the side sucks ass and his plastic is just as weak, but his transformation doesn't seem to worry about it so badly.
>>5798153Not quite anon, remember, this is Australian retail, as in prices are AUD not USD
See that full price?
That's how much we normally pay for cw/possibly tr deluxes ( TRU/myers) and toyworld charges $31 for RiD shit now which annoys me.
Cheapest for CW is 25aud before sales, finally have to agree, these doesn't even feel the price they're at now, but at one point they were this much depending on the store.
Now I feel stupid, I bought the Japanese movie advanced repaint of bumblebee as stinger for $30 just because it was fresh off the tru load thinking it was rare, though it wasn't the worse toy I had it did have a similar feel to these, just more gloss