>>5811572You know what? I have been on 4chan over a decade. I am very socially and fairly economically progressive.
Yet even I find this whole Sony marketing of Ghostbusters disgusting. This faux-feminism reboot is a shitty marketing gimmick by a corporation that is creatively (and maybe soon fiscally) bankrupt.
I always considered myself a feminist. I do think there is an inherant sexism against girls in the toy ailes. Though there is also sexism against young boys too. My grandfathers cooked for a living, but those kitchen toys tend to be geated toward girls.
And many of these modern internet feminists have created a bubble as bad as misogynist conservatives created their own false reality.
Sony has used these gullible idiots, on both sides, to market this garbage.
And of course Mattel is going alone woth Sony to look good.
I believe in capitalism, but this is a perversion of it.
I love movies. I love toys. Yet the industries are rotten.