>>5815957Alright nerdo listen up
American shit can best be purchased at Walmart, Target, Toys R Us and Walgreen's.
Depending on what you're into you have the following options.
Marvel Legends : Each retails $20 with 3 packs around $50-60. Obvious what the line is about. Probably on the most poseable american figure side.
Good solid line with minimal issues surprisingly.
NECA : About $15-50 range. Despite the usual "NECAAAAAA" meme shit still a great line tho it does have more common issues. (Weak joints, Paint apps, Seems a character issue tho per figure)
This line covers majority Video Game and Sci Fi Movie characters.
Transformers : Wide price range
Again obvious what the line is about and there are actually some pretty solid ones out currently with the Combiner Wars series. Masterpiece are the high end ones and usually worth it.
Lego : Huge price range
The most iconic line and despite what people say they are pretty affordable. There is some realllly good set's out currently and it covers a huge range of series plus it's fucking Lego. Don't like the set or bored? Rebuild it. Learn how to MOC then come back to the Lego Gen so they can laugh at you then give you good criticism
Mega Bloks : Really good price range. Nearly $3-100+
Long ago Mega Bloks wouldn't even be listed here. They made so much off the Halo line that they actually improved Brick quality and part quality and are a legit competitor to Lego now.
The current line is Halo, Assassin's Creed, Cal of Duty and Destiny. The mini Fig's aren't as charming as Lego but would win hands down in a "toy to Life fight to the death" against Lego guys. The new bodies are really poseable and detailed.
TMNT : Decent price range. Playmates are making them now and from what iv'e seen they're pretty decent for the price. Poseable enough with some charm to them.
Star Wars : Various price range
They cover just about anything you want from SW. Black Series is the current Action figure line.