>>5847544Both ex-RID and MTMTE just had big finales. It'd quite possible that the start to their next "seasons" (now titled Optimus Prime and Lost Light, respectively) might be a decent jump-on point. The third ongoing, Till All Are One, only just started a few months back, and although it references old stuff, would be decent enough to start from.
Either way, the cleanest jump into the "modern" IDW is to start with The Death of Optimus Prime and then RID and MTMTE #1s. This is where I personally started after LSOTW, and then later went back and read the old stuff in release order from the very beginning.
You can jump into RID when they arrive on Earth as
>>5847592 said, but I quite enjoyed the first "season" of RID. You can similarly start MTMTE post-Dark Cybertron (probably #28 as well), but that story draws from earlier issues more.