>>5859965I hate when people say how Superman is "unrelateable" I am a Superman fan and I find him very relatable and I in fact find Batman "unrelateable"
people just look at the "Superhero" part of the character and not who the character actually is.
there is a quote I always like that goes like this
"Clark Kent is who I am and Superman is what I can do"
you see I can relate to the Superman character because I am Clark Kent much like him
I grew up on a farm in a small town, my parents were/are like the Kents. I'm also an only child who was born to a couple who was told they couldn't have kids. Growing up I always felt different or even alien like I didn't belong. See my life kinda mirrors his in away so I can relate to him on that level.
I can't relate to Batman and I hate the argument that people use "Batman is so great because anyone could be him!" No..no you can't and especially me I can't related to Bruce Wayne because we're no where at all similar I do not live in a huge crime ridden city, my parents or any family member was not brutally killed in front of me, my family is not or probably never will be wealthy so I will not be able to bank roll what it takes to be "Batman" and also I don't have the time, resources or motivations to spend all the time it took him to learn everything he knows.
Here is a pretty good article about realistic Batman