>>5898822make sure you have proper numbering of your house or unit. (they can see the number from the street, they can see the number at the front entrance of your gate , they can see the number on your mailbox) This is epeically if the block that you live in have some of the house not in numeric numbering. ( 111 then 113, then 123 then 117)
There's tons of houses or units that don't have proper marking. Big over grown bush/weeds that bock your numbering , no numbering what so ever, (fell off / repaint and never bother to replace). Mailboxs with only some numbers and some blank ones, same with the doorbells.
The mail man can also went to the wrong street too. So if you can mark your mailbox with your number and STREET, it should help if that was the issue.
>>5898369This could just be a bad address, or they can't find your hidden entrance ( some streets require you to go to the next street and then a alley just to get back to the other side of the dead end of the perious street. it will not be GPS either.
If you have a dog in your yard alone, or a beware of DOG sign in front of your fence or gate, and you doorbell is pass the gate, most mailman will not enter due to liability reasons. If you fit those, then you should install a doorbell at the gate/fence.
If your dog attacks the mailman, your address can be marked as unsafe and you can will never get any mail. Depending on the case you can loose your dog too.