>>5918469dont know anything about this anime stuff but it looks cool
>>5918488looks like how i would set up my figures. The riser is cool and the stands for each figure are kinda neat too. are they custom?
>>5918997the second deltof looks kinda bare. maybe double up on some a shelf or two and put some movies/books/vidya on the bottom shelf? posting looks good too anon. I like it
>>5919127>using the tops of game cases as shelvingi do that too, anon!! :D
>>5919791top right and third left shelves look very lonely. put them together! what book is on the bottom shelf?
>>5919793you have a lot of cool stuff. I like the Roarshach with Deadpool, Beat, and Slade on the bottom shelf. Is that a clear riser thatNightwing,Ghost rider, etc are on?
>Weird alOne day I will own that NECA weird al and ad him to my weird al toys collection
>>5919870I like different scales on some stuff too. Different scales of the same character can be cool like in the pic you posted. I have a mini Count from Sesame Street toy that hangs out with my Blip (from Space Ghost) figure. Sometimes a small Optimus Prime joins them on desk adventures.
>>5919884>watching your movies>reading your books>eating your food>wearing your clothes>listening to your musicwith that being said, your collection in
>>5919913 looks really nice. Im worried about the sunlight though. Also, your couch is blocking Link and Ganon and whoever is next to them. do you ever swap shelves to change things up?
>>5920189the glass wall looks nice, although I would have to have figures facing out both ways. Maybe some smoked glass in the middle, so you can see the light and the figures behind, but they dont distract you from the toys facing you
>>5920192looks good for what it is
>>5920199>unicron>soundwave shelf>the Star Wars display>great xmen posingi wanna be your friend
>>5920763i was wondering what that was...er, what is it?