>>5927606For me, it started with Superior. Looking back, I'll admit it's a good concept, but it still had an awful execution. I hated the idea of Peter being replaced, and it made me stop buying Spider-man. The only reason Superior even worked is because Slott wrote every single supporting cast like an idiot. Mary Jane, the Avengers, literally everyone should have figured out something was wrong immediately. He shot someone with a gun and still nobody figured it out. It's just so "crazy town banana pants!" (which is apparently something Peter always said?)
And then Peter's return proved his writing had not improved. Peter was a manchild, and then again, Spider-verse was a good concept, ruined by his treatment of the villains, killing off spider-men for shock value, and the introduction of his OC Silk (Who is much better under any other writer), and then turning Peter into the poor man's Iron Man, and making it so he always has to be saved by others. It's infuriating.
And it's weird, I don't normally care about magic stuff in comics, but I really liked the whole totem thing. It was definitely handled better the first time with Ezekiel, and got a little out there with the other, but I still enjoyed it.
And Yosts Scarlet Spider is 10/10