>>5966683>>5966721tommorow i can grab my backup drives and see if I still have the images I shared with TG a year ago.
I had a lot of nice first edition pokemon cards from when they first came out, probably nothing too valuable but I still had things like a Professor oak and what not. I left them all together in my underwear drawer when I left for college, I never seriously thought they would gain much value but I still kept them out of nostalgia. At college I discoverfolk playing the cards in the lobby and figure that at end of the quarter I would bring back my old deck from home and we could all laugh at how horrendously outclassed the old stuff was.
Discover half my cards gone, for some weird reason even most of the energy from my deck was gone. great first editions like my snorlax, oak, magneton, etc were gone. my brothers who were ten years and yo0unger at the time, had mysteriously gained a very large yu gi oh collection.
Easily the vast majority were those ridiculous knock offs that BAFFLES me as to how they could have been so ridiculously stup[id to fall for them. At their age everyone in my elementary school was sharing tips on how to tell if someone is trading you a fake card or not, even the see through test!
but anyway, i kept a rather large number of them when they were throwing stuff out to have a good laugh about my brothers stupidity.