>>6069904from what I know it all started a few years ago when the OP posted this huge haul that was apparently everything they bought that year... there must have been a couple thousand dollars in that one haul.
Then the following year they did it again. I think that is when people started hating on them.
I have seen OP post hauls with stuff that is somewhat rare and worth lots of money. Like there was a haul of I think nothing but Tomb Raider statues and they must have paid upwards of $5000 for it all. so I don't know if they are a Richfag or not so I think they do it to piss off the poorfags
> I don't think I've seen him get angry at anyone
I agree, I seen the OP be very nice and helpful to others on here. I remember one time OP told this guy off in the most polite way I think I have every seen anyone get told off
As for generals? they call him the "maverick of toy" OP is too cool for rules! and everyone knows it! but as for a serious answer I don't know. it doesn't bother me any
I know "Winslow Schott" is a Superman reference being that Winslow Schott is the
villain known as "Toyman"
everyone refers to them as a guy with "he, his, him" because of the name but I have heard rumours that the OP is actually a chick
so I don't know if that is true or not?