[12 / 6 / ?]
I'm so sorry for making a new thread but I can't make sense of this board and whether it has any general for finding shit.
I'm hosting a fairly weeby secret santa, and one of the participants wants to gift their giftee a figure they apparently saw a while ago, which consists of one anime girl leg. just one leg, no additional body parts looked for, stockings/clothing on the leg optional. been looking for an hour with a figurine experienced friend now and haven't found shit besides shiteyanyo, and those figures seem to be not selling anywhere + shit expensive. could someone direct me in the right direction or tell me that this person is being delusional?
posting a picture from my board as appeasement.
I'm hosting a fairly weeby secret santa, and one of the participants wants to gift their giftee a figure they apparently saw a while ago, which consists of one anime girl leg. just one leg, no additional body parts looked for, stockings/clothing on the leg optional. been looking for an hour with a figurine experienced friend now and haven't found shit besides shiteyanyo, and those figures seem to be not selling anywhere + shit expensive. could someone direct me in the right direction or tell me that this person is being delusional?
posting a picture from my board as appeasement.