>>6104639>>6104669>>6104834like i said, its good, but i definitely had complaints
freeing up space for harleys skates isnt too bad (either move the speakers back like the anon did, or leave an empty space under the windshield by replacing a 2x1 with a 1x1 should work
i get my lego around 15% off, so it ended up around $44, and that wasnt a bad price in my opinion
but if other anons are right, where canada and the uk are paying out the ass, absolutely fuck getting it.
the complaints were storage, and while harley's portion is fixable, and you can theoretically shove the jokers gun behind their seats (making it look like a gun rack) there is little to no way to make the trunk (aka the play feature with its bullets) any bigger.
the literal best you can get it without a complete overhaul is 6x3, and at that point, you're pegging whatever you shove in there into the floor and roof. with no changes at all, its currently two 3x2 spaces 2 plates tall
that being said, once again though, it is the best version of all the figs (both harley and joker have MUCH MUCH better faces than their cmf versions
im also nearly positive the suspension thing could be fixed with the literal addition of one more rubber band. its clearly a weight problem, as there is no sticking when the car is upside down or lifted, and honestly, the car LOOKS better in the lower position, so i removed them all for display anyway
that being said, fuck it in britbong dollars. maybe even fuck it full price