>>6146231Planet Steel express. I don't keep boxes and nothing was damaged so it all worked out.
>>6146269>>6146344He's definitely not awful but holy fuck the arms and hands are more shrimpy than I thought. The cannon piece that holds the guns together is way too big and doesn't align them like the art either. The alt mode is way off and the extra treads on the legs are unnecessary if they just did the shoulders right. The face sculpt under the mask is not worth the dead eyes and the flat mask though you get a lot of range with the head. The only tolerance thing I've found is that the treads that flip up on the shoulder doesn't lock in from what I can tell so MMC's crappy quality streak ended here. Not sure if I beat the horse enough. He's solid, even pretty good despite the design. It's just not nearly as good as he could have been.
Titanika is pretty fucking awesome despite the greebling mostly visible in vehicle mode. The colors and breakup, both plastic and paint, are superb, while the figure unfolds into a wide ass vehicle that rolls like a champ. The way the kibble sits and the feet form from the wheels just speak to me as a great transformer design. The beef is what I dig the most about the whole thing and its great to go from mode to mode and the headsculpt brings it together.
The shoulders are the biggest contention I have with it. It's reasonably limited thanks to the bulk and you can even untab the backpack and get a near 90 degree angle, but when put all together the pads bang into itself like Commotus but multiple times worse. The guns look great but the stock end extends too far back and just gets jammed in the shoulder pad too. While I like the knuckle guards the detailing on them looks a little silly and could have been a lot more fierce. In vehicle mode they are obviously arm assemblies from the back so better detailing wouldn't have killed Sark. I can't tell if there is a waist or not, but its too tight on mine to force if it exists.